Saturday, 17 March 2012

Episode #1366: Death of Denis Rigg (6 Jul. 1989) Written by James Robson

Crooked local businessman Denis Rigg drives past Emmerdale Farm as he prepares to inflict his reign of terror on the Sugdens.
Meanwhile, at the farm, Kathy books a hair appointment in time for a job interview later that morning. Joe walks in and explains that he's still treating his prize bull's infected eye. Annie is also worried what Denis Rigg will do to get their farm. Joe says "I won't let Rigg grind us down. Not yet anyway!"
At The Woolpack, Amos is irritated by Henry's habits: "Every morning you take the paper and pipe and you go upstairs for a read and a smoke!"
At Hotten Market, Denis wonders what Joe sees in Emmerdale Farm, and asks Eric Pollard "It's a scruffy little hill farm with limited acreage and hard land! Why does he want to stay there so bad?" "Something in the blood" Eric replied. Denis, determined to get posession of Emmerdale Farm, says to Eric: "I've made quite a study of Joe. He's pulled some clever strokes over the years. He's the key you see. If I can get him moving my way, the rest will follow!"
Lynn meets Kathy outside the hairdressers and offers to pay for her hair treatment as an apology for messing up her hair the day before.
Denis calls in to see Henry Wilks at The Woolpack, to try and get him to persuade the Sugdens to part with Emmerdale Farm. He opens up his briefcase and produces documents about his proposals. "You've no papers in their I'm prepared to look at!" Henry proclaimed. "I've got work to do here!" said Denis. "Nasty work, Mr. Rigg!" said Henry. "You frighten people, children and an old woman!" Henry had no intention of looking at the proposals and told Denis to go away.
At Victoria Cottage, Alan Turner and Caroline Bates are waiting for the phone call to see if there has been a change of heart regarding their business plan for Home Farm. The two then set off to confront Denis about rejecting their plans. "YOU MAKE ME SICK, RIGG!" Caroline shouted. "I'M NOT HERE TO BE LIKED, MRS. BATES!" Denis responded.
At The Woolpack, Amos tells Dolly and Seth about Henry's irritating habits and likens them to Seth's habits. Seth tells Amos he wants to be careful who he finds fault with because he's moving up in society. "Everything's coming up roses" said Seth. Henry tells Rev. Hinton that he's suffering from hay fever, and asks him about being back at St. Mary's. Rev. Hinton tells Henry he's been asked to retire. Local farmer Ted Sharp brings Dolly a bunch of roses. Dolly gives them to Amos to put in the pub.
At Demdyke, Jackie is back from a work trip, as Kathy waits for the phone call to find out if the milk recorder job is hers.
Jackie and Kathy go to the pub where they meet Lynn and Pete Whiteley. Jackie and Kathy are overcome with disappointment when Lynn tells them she's got the job.
At Emmerdale Farm, Joe tells Annie he won't let the farm fall into the hands of Denis Rigg. Outside, Denis arrives and follows Joe into the barn where his prize bull is kept. "GET OUT OF HERE!" shouted Joe. "NO! YOU GET OUT OF HERE! I'LL GET YOU FOR THIS LAND WHATEVER IT TAKES!" Denis declared.
As Denis was about to make his move, the bull charged and pinned Denis to the wall, crushing him. As he lay in agony, Joe drags him outside and discovers he has stopped breathing.
At Hotten Market, Eric tells Alan that he's written out a contract for Denis to sign, regarding their business plan for Home Farm.
Matt, Annie, Kate and Joe look on in disbelief as Denis is taken away in an ambulance.

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